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Musculoskeletal health


Element 6:

Musculoskeletal health

Musculoskeletal health

6.1 Work-related upper limb disorders                                                                 

  • Meaning of musculoskeletal disorders and work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs)
  • Possible ill-health conditions from poorly designed tasks and workstations
  • Avoiding/minimizing risks from poorly designed tasks and workstations by considering:

> Task (including repetitive, strenuous)

> Environment (including lighting, glare)

> Equipment (including user requirements, adjustability, matching the workplace to individual needs of workers).

6.2 Manual handling                                                                                                  

  • Common types of manual handling injury
  • Good handling technique for manually lifting loads
  • Avoiding/minimizing manual handling risks by considering the task, the individual, the load and the working environment.


6.3 Load-handling equipment                                                                                 

  • Hazards and controls for common types of load-handling aids and equipment: sack trucks and trolleys; pallet

trucks; people-handling aids; fork-lift trucks; lifts; hoists for loads and people; conveyors and cranes

  • Requirements for lifting operations:

> strong, stable and suitable equipment

> positioned and installed correctly

> visibly marked with safe working load

> lifting operations are planned, supervised and carried out in safe manner by competent persons

> special requirements for lifting equipment used for lifting people

  • Periodic inspection and examination/testing of lifting equipment.

6.1 Work-related upper limb disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders at work


Companies must protect employees from the danger of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) being induced or exacerbated by their jobs. MSDs consist of back, joint, and limb injuries and disorders. You can take measures to prevent or reduce the likelihood of your employees (and anyone who may be affected by their employment) getting MSDs. cannot prevent all MSDs; thus, early reporting of symptoms, proper treatment, and appropriate rehabilitation are crucial.

The regions of the body most susceptible to MSDs are:

  • the lower back
  • shoulders, forearms, wrists and hands, as well as the neck
  • the hips, legs, knees, ankles and feet

Workers can have different kinds of MSDs at the same time.


Causes of musculoskeletal disorders

There are risk factors for MSDs in a variety of occupations, therefore you should consider the following risks based on the sort of work you perform:

  • bending, crouching or stooping
  • lifting heavy or bulky loads
  • pushing, pulling or dragging heavy loads
  • stretching, twisting and reaching
  • repetitive work, particularly using the same hand or arm action
  • sustained or excessive force
  • carrying out a task for a long time
  • work with display screen equipment
  • working with hand-held power tools for a long time
  • driving heavy vehicles, long-distance driving or driving over rough ground


Or the risk factors can be to do with the work environment or organization:

  • poor working environment (including temperature and lighting)
  • poor work organization (including work pressure, job demands and lack of work breaks). Stress and other psychosocial factors can contribute to the risk of developing MSDs

Or they can be to do with the workers themselves:

  • a recent or existing injury or health condition may make them more vulnerable
  • individual differences (some workers are more affected by certain risks)
  • vulnerable groups, for example, young people, disabled workers, pregnant workers, those new to the job
  • working beyond their capability
  • working when physically tired


Work Related Upper limb disorders (WRULD)

Companies must safeguard employees against the danger of acquiring work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs). In addition to aches and pains in the shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, and fingers, upper limb problems also affect the neck. They can be caused or exacerbated by employment, such as in assembly lines, construction, meat or poultry processing, and computer work.


Your workers may have symptoms in their upper limbs such as:

  • aches and pains, tenderness, weakness, tingling, numbness, cramp, burning, redness and swelling
  • stiffness, pain or reduced movement in their joints

A number of disorders can affect upper limbs, such as:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
  • tendonitis or tenosynovitis
  • osteoarthritis
  • cramp of the hand or forearm from prolonged periods of repetitive movement
  • hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS)

Some of these are reportable.

Urge staff to report early indications and symptoms, before they grow more severe, so that you can limit the risk. Individuals with ULDs typically recover completely if the condition is identified and treated promptly.

Consider seeking advice from a provider of occupational health regarding a worker’s fitness for work and any limits or modifications that may be necessary.

Ergonomics and Workstations

Ergonomics is the study of how people, equipment, and their environment interact.

When designing a new workplace, selecting and installing new equipment, or evaluating tasks or procedures, ergonomics should be taken into account.

Inadequately built workstations and repetitive jobs may result in musculoskeletal problems characterized by aches, soreness, swelling, and subpar performance. People are more likely to suffer from work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) if they perform repetitive movements, maintain an uncomfortable posture, and lack proper rest breaks.

Display Screen Equipment and Workstations

Eyestrain, headaches, and diseases of the upper limbs have been linked to extended usage of display screens in the workplace.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Rules of 1992 mandate the performance of particular assessments. When an employee is classified as a ‘user’ (e.g., data inputter, word processor) and a major portion of their day involves repetitive computer use, a thorough evaluation of the workstation and activity must be conducted. Typically, this should be accomplished by the employee completing a self-assessment questionnaire alone or with the support of an occupational nurse. To enable staff to conduct an appropriate evaluation, adequate information and training must be provided.





  1. Seat back adjustability
  2. Good lumbar support
  3. Seat height adjustability
  4. No excess pressure on the underside of thighs and backs of knees
  5. Foot support if needed
  6. Space for postural change, no obstacles under the desk
  7. Forearms approximately horizontal
  8. Minimal extension, flexion, or deviation of wrists
  9. Screen height and angle should allow the comfortable head position
  10. Space in front of keyboard to support hands/wrists during pauses in keying

How to protect workers’ health

In law, employers must:

  • do a DSE workstation assessment
  • reduce risks, including making sure workers take breaks from DSE work or do something different
  • provide an eye test if a worker asks for one
  • provide training and information for workers

Improper usage of DSE or poorly constructed workstations or work spaces can cause neck, shoulder, back, arm, wrist, and hand pain in addition to weariness and eye strain. The causes may not always be readily apparent.

The law applies if users are, for example:

  • at a fixed workstation
  • mobile workers
  • home workers
  • hot-desking (workers should carry out a basic risk assessment if they change desks regularly)

For more details you can check the following link-

Designing a Workstation

When designing a workstation the activity and the posture required to carry out that activity should be considered. Ill health can arise from:

  • Poor work position and posture;
  • High levels of force (e.g. punching holes, undoing tight screws);
  • High levels of repetition (e.g. pipetting, typing, assembly work);
  • Awkward manual handling tasks;
  • Excess bending, stretching or effort.

To minimize the risk of ill health the following general principles should be applied:

  • Assess the task in order to reduce the amount of physical labor required (e.g., automate, employ properly built equipment);
  • Determine who will be using the workstation (e.g., able-bodied or impaired, extremely short or tall);
  • Whenever possible, maintain a neutral body position (e.g. no twisting of the neck or the back and no bent wrists). This reduces physical stress on the body, and if strength is required, muscles can exert more force in a neutral state.
  • Avoid bending the head and neck forward to look at work since this demands the neck to support the head.
  • Avoid bending the trunk forward, as this position requires the back and shoulder muscles to support the upper body.
  • avert raising your arms and hands;
  • avoid twisting of the body;
  • permit alterations in posture and movement. Holding the human body in one position for an extended amount of time is unnatural.

When designing a workstation, an early choice must be made as to whether the operator should be sitting, standing, or given the option to do both. The design of workstations can accommodate both standing and sitting. This will enable the user to shift position and posture more frequently, which is beneficial for preventing discomfort and chronic issues.


The essential height of the work surface depends on the task being performed. If the work surface is too low, the user will have to bend over to work, and if the work surface is too high, the user will have to elevate their arms, putting unnecessary stress on their shoulders.

Although it is not possible to customize the height of a workstation for every member of the population, it is conceivable to accommodate 90% of the population. The ideal height range for work surfaces is between 95 and 110 centimeters from the floor. Yet, the height of the workbench will also be determined by the task at hand. For precise activities, the work surface should be positioned 5 to 10 centimeters below elbow height. For tasks classed as light, such as those involving minimal force, the work surface should be positioned 10 to 15 centimeters below elbow height. For tasks considered as heavier work and requiring greater effort, the working surface should be 15 to 40 centimeters (cm) below elbow height.


Advantages of seated work

  • takes the weight of the legs;
  • can avoid unnatural body postures;
  • reduces energy consumption;
  • puts fewer demands on the cardiovascular system.

Disadvantages of seated work

  • restricts mobility;
  • cannot use large hand forces;
  • causes slackening of the stomach muscles;
  • causes curvature of the spine.


Basic Requirements for Seating

  • Support the worker in a position in which he or she can work comfortably and efficiently;
  • allow the worker to change position easily and without losing support;
  • prevent the seat pan from compressing the buttocks or the thighs;
  • cater for special needs, e.g., short, tall, disabled, well built;
  • The seat should suit the workstation including the height of the work surface, layout of the furniture and other equipment;
  • should have a back rest.

Seat pan

Should be height-adjustable between 38 and 53 centimeters from the floor to permit the user to sit with their legs at a 90-degree angle and their feet flat on the floor. If the user is extremely short and unable to comfortably rest their feet on the floor, an adjustable footrest will be required. Users should be able to adjust the seat pan upwards if the height of the work surface is greater than normal. A footrest may be required once more.

The surface of the seat should be cushioned, particularly in the front, to prevent it from rubbing against the back of the knee.

Seat Width

Should be a minimum of 40cm.

Seat Depth

Should be constructed so that everyone may use the backrest. From the front border of the backrest to the front of the seat pan, the maximum length of the seat depth is 43cm. If the seat height is appropriate, all users should be able to sit in comfort.


The padding should compress by 1 to 2 centimeters when hand-compressed. If the cushioning is overly soft, the buttocks and the backs of the thighs will not receive any support. If the mattress is too firm, it may compress the buttocks. Seat contouring may help to decrease compression. The sort of material used to cover the seat will depend on its intended application. For example, in a laboratory where liquids that could contaminate the seat are employed, an impermeable material should be specified.



Seat Angles

The seat pan angle may be forward tilting, back tilting, or flat. A forward-tilting chair may be useful in situations when the worker must reach forward or performs precise tasks. Nonetheless, if the incorrect upholstery materials are utilized, forward tilting will result in slipping. Users seated in a forward tilting position will rely on their legs for support; consequently, it is vital that their feet reach the floor or that they have a suitable footrest. Seats with a backward tilt press the user against the backrest to prevent slipping out of the chair. Users of flat seat pans must be urged to use the backrest properly.


In general, there are two sorts of backrests. Low chairs support only the lumbar region, while high chairs support the head and neck. On high backrests, the rest should extend to the shoulder height of the tallest individual. Unless a backrest with a high height is employed, the backrest should be adjustable. 17 to 30 centimeters is the recommended height from the seat pan to the middle of the backrest. The backrest should support the lumbar curve and conform to the shape of the spine (lowerback). The lumbar support should protrude 4cm from the backrest to mimic the curvature of a person in a standing position. The backrest angle serves two purposes. It stops the occupant from sliding forward and facilitates lumbar support leaning against the backrest. When required, the backrest angle should be between 101° and 104° for reaching, and between 105° and 108° for relaxation, as measured along the seat pan.

Interaction of the Seat with the Workstation

It is essential that a chair’s interaction with the workstation it is paired with be optimal. Workstation height is important, but with a height-adjustable chair, the primary concern is that both the tallest and shortest users can fit at the desk. If the chair has arms, they must not interfere with the user’s ability to work comfortably at the desk. For instance, arms may prevent a chair from being pulled close enough to a desk. A chair with height-adjustable arms may be necessary.


The proportions of tables and desks should allow the user to sit comfortably and provide sufficient room for storing and using any necessary equipment. If the table is too small, it can be challenging to work in a safe position. Before selecting a new design, the tasks to be performed and the necessary equipment should be discussed, preferably with the intended user, to ensure that there is sufficient space for everything. The underside of a table or desk should be at least 66 centimeters from the floor.



The design of workstations should prevent excessive reaching. Any equipment commonly utilized by the employee should be within a 50-centimeter radius. As a practical guide, the person can extend their arms in front of them and draw imaginary arcs at their workplace. The majority of commonly used objects should be stored there. During work tasks, the most crucial pieces of equipment should be located closest to the user.


Lighting has four main purposes:

  • To ensure the safety of people;
  • To facilitate the completion of duties;
  • To create an appropriate visual atmosphere;
  • To avoid eye-strain.

Lighting at Work, HS(G)38) stipulates that there should be sufficient light in the workplace to enable the completion of specific work tasks, and there are suggested illumination levels for each task. Natural light should be utilized wherever possible. However, there is minimal control over daylight, and it is recommended that window curtains be used to avoid glare and reflection issues caused by the sun. With both natural and artificial lighting, it is essential to avoid glare. This can be accomplished by strategically placing workstations and lighting in respect to one another. Reflection from work surfaces can also make it difficult to see work duties; this issue can be mitigated by utilizing furniture and equipment with low reflectivity surfaces. In some instances, task or local lighting may be necessary to provide adequate illumination. Care must be made to ensure that localized illumination does not cause glare issues for neighboring employees.


There should be sufficient space for safe and simple access to the workstation and to prevent interference between workstations. In offices, the minimum space per person should be 11 square meters, excluding any area more than three meters above the floor.

Temperature and ventilation

Temperature and ventilation should be enough for a comfortable indoor work environment. Following the first hour of work, the minimum temperature for sedentary work should be 16°C, and there should be appropriate ventilation.


The decibel level should be kept as low as possible, particularly for sounds that are irritating. A noise survey should be performed whenever the noise level surpasses 85 decibels.


The flooring should be appropriate for the work being performed. It must be nonslip, simple to clean, and resistant to harm.



6.2 Manual handling

The common injuries caused by improper manual handling techniques or procedures are all musculoskeletal and include the following:

Muscular sprains and strains – are created when the muscle (or tendon or ligament) is overstretched, resulting in bruising, weakened tissue, and painful inflammation of the affected area. These injuries typically affect the back of the arms and the wrists;

Back injuries Injuries to the discs placed between the spinal vertebrae (i.e., bones) can result in excruciating prolapsed disc lesions (commonly known as the slipped disc). Several kinds of injuries can lead to lumbago and sciatica (pain that travels down the leg);

Trapped Nerve – It typically occurs in the back as a result of another injury, but is exacerbated by manual labor.

Hernia is a rupture of the abdominal cavity wall, resulting in the protrusion of a portion of the intestine. Eventually, surgery will be required to restore the damage;

Cuts, Bruising, and Abrasions – It is the result of handling loads with unprotected sharp corners or edges;

Fractures – Typically of the feet when a burden is dropped. Fractures of the hands also occur, albeit less frequently;

The Work-Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULDs) – Including a broad spectrum of musculoskeletal illnesses;

Rheumatism is a chronic illness characterized by significant joint discomfort. It is considered that one of the causes is the muscle strains induced by improper physical handling, lifting technique, or procedure.

Good handling technique

As an employer, you must protect your employees from manual handling-related accidents. Proper handling technique is not a substitute for other actions you should take to decrease risk, such as providing lifting assistance or modifying the task, weight, or working environment, but it is a useful addition.

How to handle and lift loads

The following instructions explain how to properly conduct a basic lift with both hands, lifting a load in front of and close to the body without turning. These ideas are adaptable to the work at hand.

Think before handling/lifting. Plan the lifting/handling operation. Where will the burden be positioned? Use appropriate handling aids whenever possible. Do you require assistance with the load? Eliminate impediments, such as abandoned wrapping materials. For extended lifts, such as from the floor to shoulder height, consider resting the load on a table or bench to alter your grip.




Keep the load close to your waist for as long as possible while lifting. Keep the heaviest side of the load next to your body. If you can’t get close to the load, try to slide it toward your body before you try to lift it.




Adopt a stable position. To maximize stability, your feet should be separated, with one leg in front of the other (alongside the weight if it is on the ground). You must be willing to shift your feet during the lift to maintain a solid stance. Clothing that is too tight or inappropriate footwear may make this harder.




Ensure a good hold on the load. Wherever feasible, keep the burden as near to your body as possible. This may be preferable to clutching it securely with your hands alone.

Slight bending of your back, hips and knees During the beginning of the lift is preferred to fully flexing the back (stooping) or the hips and knees (deep/full squatting).

Don’t flex your back any further while lifting. This can happen if your legs begin to straighten before you start to raise the load.





Avoid twisting your back or leaning sideways especially while your back is bent. Keep your shoulders level and facing in the same direction as your hips. Turning by moving your feet is better than twisting and lifting at the same time.




Keep your head up when handling. Look ahead not down at the load once it is held securely.



Move smoothly. Do not jerk or grab the load, as this makes it more difficult to maintain control and increases the danger of harm.

Don’t lift or handle more than you can easily manage. There is a distinction between what people can lift and what they can lift safely. If in doubt, seek advice or get aid.

Put down, then adjust. If you need to precisely position the load, put it down first, then slide it into the desired position.




Avoiding/minimizing manual handling risks

What does the law say?

The Manual Handling Regulations list the steps you must take in a clear order to prevent and deal with the risks of dangerous manual handling:

■ avoid hazardous manual handling operations, ‘so far as reasonably practicable’;

■ assess the risk of injury to workers from any hazardous manual handling that can’t be avoided;

■ reduce the risk of injury to workers from hazardous manual handling to as low as reasonably practicable.




Assessing the risks

Consider risks arising from:

■ The task;

■ the load;

■ The working environment;

■ Individual capacity;

■ Any materials handling equipment or handling aids used;

■ How you organize and allocate work;

■ The pace, frequency and duration of the work.

Risks and controls


The tasks

Do they involve?

■ Holding loads away from the body?

■ twisting, stooping or reaching upwards?

■ Large vertical movement?

■ Long carrying distances?

■ Strenuous pushing or pulling?

■ Repetitive handling?

■ Risk of sudden movement of loads?

■ Insufficient rest or recovery time?

■ A work rate imposed by a process?

The loads

Are they:

■ Heavy or bulky?

■ Difficult to grasp?

■ Unstable or likely to move unpredictably?

■ Harmful, e.g. sharp or hot?

■ awkwardly stacked?

■ Too large for the handler to see over?

The working environment

Are there:

■ Restrictions on posture?

■ Bumpy, obstructed or slippery floors?

■ Variations in floor levels?

■ hot/cold/humid conditions?

■ gusts of wind or other strong air movements?

■ Poor lighting conditions?

■ Restrictions on movements from clothes or personal protective equipment (PPE)?

Individual capacity

Does the job:

■ require unusual capability, eg above average strength or agility?

■ pose a risk to those with a health problem or learning/physical disability?

■ pose a risk to new or expectant mothers?

■ pose a risk to new or young workers?

■ Call for special information or training?

Handling aids and equipment


■ is the device the correct type for the job?

■ is it well maintained?

■ are the wheels on the device suited to the floor surface?

■ Do the wheels run freely?

■ is the handle height between the waist and shoulders?

■ are the handle grips in good condition and comfortable?

■ are there any brakes? If so, do they work?

Work organization factors


■ is the work repetitive?

■ is the work machine or system-paced?

■ Do workers feel the demands of the work are excessive?

■ Do workers have little control of the work and working methods?

■ is there poor communication between managers and workers?


The tasks

Can you:

■ use a lifting aid?

■ change workplace layout to improve efficiency?

■ reduce the amount of twisting and stooping?

■ avoid lifting from floor level or above shoulder height, especially heavy loads?

■ reduce carrying distances?

■ use powered handling devices to eliminate pushing and pulling?

■ avoid repetitive handling?

■ take steps to reduce fatigue?

■ vary the work, allowing one set of muscles to rest while another is used?

The loads

Can you make the load:

■ Lighter or less bulky?

■ Easier to grasp?

■ More stable?

■ Less harmful?

■ evenly stacked?

If the load comes in from elsewhere, have you asked the supplier to help, eg by providing handles or smaller packages?

The working environment

Can you:

■ remove obstructions to free movement?

■ provide better flooring and/or slip resistant footwear?

■ avoid steps and steep ramps?

■ prevent extremes of hot and cold?

■ improve ventilation?

■ improve lighting?

■ provide suitable protective clothing or PPE that is less restrictive?

Individual capacity

Can you:

■ consider the design of the task?

■ pay particular attention to those who have a physical weakness?

■ take extra care of, e.g. new or expectant mothers and new/young workers?

■ give your workers more information, e.g. about the range of tasks?

■ provide more training?

■ get advice from an occupational health advisor if you need to?

Handling aids and equipment

Can you:

■ provide equipment that is more suitable for the task?

■ carry out planned preventive maintenance to prevent problems?

■ change the wheels, tyres and/or flooring so that equipment moves easily?

■ provide better handles and handle grips?

■ make the brakes easier to use, reliable and effective?

Work organization factors

Can you:

■ change tasks to increase variety?

■ adjust the work rate?

■ make more use of workers’ skills?

■ make workloads and deadlines more achievable?

■ involve workers in decisions?

■ encourage good communication and teamwork?

■ provide better training and information?







6.3 Load-handling equipment

Manually operated load handling equipment

Types of manually operated load handling equipment are-

  • simple tools;
  • wheelbarrows;
  • trucks and trolleys;
  • roller tracks and chutes;
  • pallet trucks;
  • conveyors; and
  • Various types of hoists that can be used to lift people as well as other loads.

The aids range from modest, manually-operated instruments to trucks and lifting devices with power assistance. All of them “lighten the burden” and lessen injury risk. Several basic instruments can facilitate the manual handling of loads. Hooks for lifting can be used to hoist steel or glass sheets, wooden boards, and heavy, awkward objects. Log tongs will aid in the lifting of logs, whereas cylindrical weights can be lifted with other equipment. These instruments aid in load retention and reduce the requirement for bending. Trucks and trolleys enable a single individual to transfer items between sites. They can be affordable and come in a variety of sizes to accommodate the weight and nature of the workplace. Similar to wheelbarrows, sack trucks move loads by balancing them on the truck axle. Certain trucks are equipped with lifting devices that allow for the raising and lowering of goods, while others feature specialized wheels for ascending and descending stairs.

General-purpose trucks can support heavier loads than sack trucks can. They can be topped with a flat surface or fitted with a variety of sides and wheels to suit a range of purposes. To improve maneuverability, the wheels can be mounted with swivels. Certain platform trucks have detachable towing components. This reduces congestion and obstructions in crowded manufacturing locations. The platform’s ability to be raised or lowered minimizes manual handling even more by eliminating the necessity for bending when loading and unloading. Trucks might have large wheels for use on unpaved surfaces. When equipped with detachable sides, they can transport bulky items such as sand and stones. Balancing trucks are equipped with a central axle and swivel wheels at each end, allowing them to rotate around their centers. This makes them very agile, allowing them to operate in confined locations. There is no discernible difference between general-purpose trucks and trolleys. Trolleys are often constructed of lightweight materials and suited for more specialized tasks. Container trolleys permit the transport of mixed loads. A grocery cart is a simple example of this. Shelves can be fixed or removable on shelf carts. Drum transporters are handy for moving drums. Trucks and trolleys can be equipped with brakes to keep them stationary, which may be important on sloped terrain. Garment rails are utilized in clothing manufacturers, stores, and theaters. Roller tracks and chutes enable the manual or gravity-assisted movement of big and bulky loads.

They can be movable or permanently installed. The quantity of manual handling duties can be reduced by carefully designing work areas with suitable rails and chutes. The potential for producing a tripping hazard must be kept as minimal as possible when employing tracks. Utilizing mild gradients can allow the load to be moved with minimal effort. When there are large variations in level, such as between floors, chutes are typically utilized in place of tracks. Spiral chutes are primarily employed to transport sacks, but a straight chute can transport nearly any type of load.

Pedestrians maneuver Pallet Trucks. Transferring the burden requires manual labor, however hydraulic power is typically employed to lift and decrease the load. They are designed to transport many types of cargo and may operate in fairly crowded and limited spaces. Portable conveyors are utilized to carry cargo between locations of the same or varying heights. Various varieties may transfer a variety of loads, such as sand and grain. Using portable conveyors can drastically minimize (and frequently eliminate) manual handling. Important is the height of the conveyor at loading and unloading places. The following heights are recommended to reduce manual handling efforts:

  • approximately 0.9 m above the floor while lifting light loads that can typically be raised with one hand;
  • approximately 0.75 meters above the floor when heavier weights that are typically hoisted with two hands are loaded; and
  • Near the floor when heavy loads, such as drums, are loaded onto conveyors by rolling, lifting devices, or lift trucks.



Conveyors that are temporary or semipermanent might be utilized in many work environments. Some conveyors are equipped with wheels for enhanced movement. They can be used to transport loads on the same or separate levels. Certain versions can be tilted using hydraulic rams to adapt the transfer height to a specific elevation. A modest inclination on non-powered roller conveyors permits items to move under the force of gravity.

Mechanical assistance entails the use of mechanical aids to assist with manual handling, such as wheelbarrows, hand-powered hydraulic hoists, specially adapted trolleys, hoists for lifting patients, roller conveyors, and robot-based automated systems.

Hazards associated with manually operated load handling equipment

The primary dangers associated with the usage of load handling equipment stem from its improper application, such as overloading or attempting to transport unstable loads. The act of pushing or dragging a vehicle or trolley still constitutes manual handling and might pose a variety of risks. For example, it may be required to separate pedestrians from cars. Inadequate maintenance can also result in extra dangers. This is especially crucial for some lifting machinery and equipment where a regular examination by a qualified individual may be required by law.

Precautions with the use of manually operated load handling equipment

If possible, the subsequent user should be considered while selecting handling assistance. Moving and handling duties are often made easier by clever design. In the health and social care industry, for instance, staff are frequently expected to provide bedside care to service recipients, and the use of adjustable-height beds can reduce the risk of back injuries. Placing laundry equipment, such as washing machines and dryers, on a platform can also help to prevent bending and stooping. Other strategies to limit the amount of patient handling by caregivers include:

  • raising the height of beds and chairs using wooden blocks;
  • handrails at strategic heights adjacent to the bath and toilet;
  • the use of bath hoists and overhead hoists;
  • walk-in showers with seats; and
  • cutting slots in bath panels to allow for mobile hoist
  • Wheels to fit underneath a bath fixed against a wall.

The operators of mechanical handling equipment must get sufficient training and be monitored while operating the equipment. These measures are especially critical when utilizing a manual hoist to lift or assist somebody. Additional precautions consist of:

  • a safe system of work in place;
  • sufficient room available to easily maneuver the equipment;
  • adequate visibility and lighting available;
  • the floors in a stable condition;
  • regular safety checks to identify any faults with the equipment; and
  • a regular maintenance schedule for the equipment.

Other important considerations are that:

  • the proposed use will be within the safe working load of the equipment;
  • It is suitable for the area in which it will operate (e.g. is there enough room to maneuver and enough headroom?);
  • it suits the terrain in terms of stability and ground surface;
  • the lifting equipment is CE-marked; and
  • Advice is sought from the suppliers/hirers on its suitability for the proposed task and any maintenance requirements.

Beneficial precautions include requesting the equipment on a trial basis, if possible, to ensure that it is suitable for the desired task and involving the employees who will be expected to use it in this evaluation. Other dangers linked with the deployment of the lifting aid should also be considered, such as site safety and the lack of communication with forklift truck drivers.

Types of mechanical handling and lifting equipment

Each of the four parts of mechanical handling can bring potential dangers. They include the handling equipment, the load, the work environment, and the workers engaged. The mechanical handling equipment must have the capacity to raise and/or transport the load. It must be flawless, well-maintained, and routinely examined.

The dangers associated with such equipment include collisions between people and the equipment and injuries caused by being entangled in moving pieces (such as belt and screw conveyors).

The load should be readied for transport in a manner that reduces the likelihood of accidents. The dangers will be associated with the nature of the load (e.g., combustible or toxic substances) or the stability and security of the load (e.g. collapse of bales or incorrectly stacked pallets).

The workplace should be constructed to separate workers from the load whenever possible. If, for example, an overhead crane is to be utilized, then humans must be separated from the load’s path or prevented from entering it. The staff and anyone else who will use the equipment must be adequately trained and skilled in its safe operation.

Conveyors and elevators

  • Elevators take loads from one level or floor to another, whereas conveyors move things along a level that may not be perfectly horizontal. Belt, roller, and screw conveyors are three main types of conveyors. The most prevalent dangers and precautionary actions are: the in-running nip, where a hand is trapped between the rotating rollers and the belt. Protection from this hazard can be provided by nip guards and trip devices;
  • entanglement with the power drive requiring the fitting of fixed guards and the restriction of loose clothing which could become caught in the drive;
  • loads falling from the conveyor. This can be avoided by edge guards and barriers;
  • impact against overhead systems. Protection against this hazard may be given by the use of bump caps, warning signs and restricted access;
  • contact hazards prevented by the removal of sharp edges, conveyor edge protection and restricted access;
  • manual handling hazards;
  • noise and vibration hazards.

Screw conveyors, which are frequently used to transport highly viscous materials, must be equipped with either fixed guards or coverings to prevent unauthorized access. Humans should not be allowed to ride on belt conveyors, and emergency trip wires or stop buttons must be installed and always functional. Elevators are used to carry things between floors, such as transporting building blocks to upper floors during construction or grain sacks into a barn loft.

It is necessary to install guards at both ends of the elevator and around the power drive. The most prevalent hazard is injuries caused by falling cargo from elevators. There are also potential manual handling issues at both the elevator’s feed and discharge ends.



Roller Conveyor


Forklift Trucks

There are many hazards associated with the use of fork-lift trucks.

These include:

  • overturning – high-speed maneuvering; wheels striking an object such as a curb; rapid braking; bad tyre condition leading to skidding; driving forwards down a ramp; movement of the cargo; insecure, excessive, or unequal loading; inappropriate tilt or driving along a ramp; overloading – exceeding the rated capacity of the machine;
  • collisions, particularly with warehouse racking, which can cause the entire racking structure to collapse;
  • the electrically powered forklift’s stealthy operation can render passersby unaware of its existence;
  • uneven road surface – can induce car rollover and/or musculoskeletal issues in the driver;
  • overhead obstructions – a particular problem for inexperienced drivers;
  • loss of load – shrink wrapping or sheeting will reduce this hazard;
  • inadequate maintenance leading to mechanical failure;
  • use as a work platform;
  • speeding – strict enforcement of speed limits is essential;
  • poor vision around the load;
  • pedestrians – particularly when pedestrians and vehicles use the same roadways. Warning signs,indicating the presence of fork-lift trucks, should be posted at regular intervals;
  • dangerous stacking or de-stacking technique –this can destabilize a complete racking column;
  • carrying passengers – this should be a disciplinary offence;
  • battery charging – presents an explosion and fire risk;
  • fire – typically the result of improper maintenance leading in fuel leaks or engine/motor failure, or the use of an inadequate forklift in places where flammable substances or gases are utilized or stored;
  • lack of driver training.

If fork-lift trucks are to be used outside, visibility and lighting, weather conditions and the movement of other vehicles become additional hazards.

There are also the following physical hazards:

  • noise – caused by poor silencing of the power unit;
  • exhaust fumes – should only be a problem when the maintenance regime is poor;
  • vibrations – often caused by a rough road surface or wide expansion joints. Badly inflated tyres will exacerbate this problem;
  • manual handling – resulting from manoeuvring the load by hand or lifting batteries or gas cylinders;
  • ergonomic – musculoskeletal injuries caused by soft tyres and/or undulating road surface or holes or cracks in the road surface (e.g. expansion joints).

Regular and documented maintenance by competent mechanics is essential. However, the driver should undertake the following checks at the beginning of each shift:

  • condition of tyres and correct tyre pressures;
  • effectiveness of all brakes;
  • audible reversing horn and light working properly;
  • lights, if fitted, working correctly;
  • mirrors, if fitted, in good working order and properly set;
  • secure and properly adjusted seat;
  • correct fluid levels, when appropriate;
  • fully charged batteries, when appropriate;
  • correct working of all lifting and tilting systems.

Each week, a competent member of the organization should do a more thorough check that includes the mast and steering gear. Driver training is required and must be provided by a qualified instructor. The training session must include the site’s rules, including the organization’s forklift truck driver code of conduct, speed limitations, stacking processes, and reversing rules. Regular refresher training should be provided, and a complete record of all training received should be maintained.

Final consideration must be given to the selection of drivers, which must include relevant health tests and prior experience. Drivers must be at least 18 years old, and their fitness to operate a motor vehicle must be evaluated periodically (every five years after the age of 40 and every year after the age of 65 (HSG6)).


Cranes may be either jib cranes or overhead traveling gantry cranes. Same safety regulations apply to each type. All cranes require proper design, construction, installation, and maintenance. Additionally, they must be operated according to a safe method of work. They should only be operated by authorized, fit, and trained drivers. The manufacturer of each crane issues a certificate specifying the safe working load (SWL). The SWL cannot be exceeded and must be clearly marked on the crane’s structure. If the SWL is variable, as in the case of a jib crane (the SWL reduces as the working radius grows), a SWL indicator must be installed. Caution should be taken to avoid unexpected shock loading, as this will subject the crane’s structure to extremely high strains. It is also crucial that the load is distributed evenly.


Properly chained, with all eyebolts tightened to specifications. Include safe slinging techniques in all training programs. All controls must be properly labeled and of the hold-to-run variety.

Giant cranes with a cab for the operator frequently work in tandem with a banksman who directs the lifting process from the ground. It is essential that banks receive proper training so they can recognize crane signals. The hoisting operation must be adequately planned and prepared. This requires the selection of a suitable crane with current test certifications and inspected examination reports. A risk evaluation of the task will be required to determine the load’s weight, dimensions, and final resting position. A detailed strategy for finishing the lift should be developed, and a qualified individual should be chosen to oversee its operation.

The basic principles for the safe operation of cranes are as follows. For all cranes, the driver must:

  • undertake a brief inspection of the crane and associated lifting tackle each time before it is used;
  • check that all lifting accessory statutory inspections are in place and up-to-date;
  • check that tyre pressures, where appropriate, are correct;
  • ensure that loads are not left suspended when the crane is not in use;
  • before a lift is made, ensure that nobody can be struck by the crane or the load;
  • ensure that loads are never carried over people;
  • ensure good visibility and communications;
  • lift loads vertically – cranes must not be used to drag a load;
  • travel with the load as close to the ground as possible;
  • switch off power to the crane when it is left unattended.

For mobile jib cranes, the following points should be considered:

  • Each lift must be properly planned, with the maximum load and radius of operation known.
  • Overhead obstructions or dangers must be detected; it may be essential to protect the crane from power lines by marking the safe headroom with goalposts and bunting.
  • The load-bearing capacity of the ground upon which the crane will stand must be determined.
  • If fitted, outriggers should be used.

The principal reasons for crane failure, including loss of load, are:

  • overloading;
  • poor slinging of load;
  • insecure or unbalanced load;
  • overturning;
  • collision with another structure or overhead power lines;
  • foundation failure;
  • structural failure of the crane;
  • operator error;
  • lack of maintenance and/or regular inspections;
  • no signaller is used when the driver’s view is obscured;
  • incorrect signals are given.

Typical causes of recent serious incidents with tower cranes include:

  • mechanical failure of the brake or lifting ram;
  • overturn of the crane;
  • jib collapse;
  • a load or dropped load striking a worker;
  • sling failure.

The reasons for some of these incidents are:

  • poor site induction training – not dealing with site-specific risks and lasting too long (20–30 minutes maximum is sufficient time);
  • problems with crane maintenance and thorough examinations;
  • operators working long hours without a break;
  • poor operator cabin design and too high a climbing distance;
  • operator health problems;
  • problems in communicating health and safety issues by crane operators on site.

During lifting operations using cranes, it must be ensured that:

  • the driver has good visibility;
  • there are no pedestrians below the load by using barriers, if necessary;
  • an audible warning is given prior to the lifting operation.

The key aspects that apply to all cranes are:

  1. Planning of safe lifting operations by a competent individual based on a thorough risk assessment;
  2. Safe work procedures for installation, operation, and dismantling. The primary components of the safe system or method statement are as follows:
  • planning – involving site preparation, crane installation, and removal;
  • Selection, procurement, and usage of an appropriate crane and work equipment, including safe slinging and signaling procedures;
  • Maintenance and examination of the crane and equipment;
  • Provision of properly trained and competent personnel;
  • Supervision of operations by individuals with the required authorities;
  • Thorough examinations, reports, and other documents;
  • preventing unapproved use or movement of the crane; and
  • Ways to ensure the safety of individuals who are not lifting.
  1. Monitoring of all lifting activities; and
  2. The thorough examination of the crane and, when required, the notification of the HSE.




Introduction to Health and Safety at Work , written by Phil Hughes and Ed Ferret, fifth edition

Element 6:

Musculoskeletal health

Musculoskeletal health

6.1 Work-related upper limb disorders                                                                 

  • Meaning of musculoskeletal disorders and work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs)
  • Possible ill-health conditions from poorly designed tasks and workstations
  • Avoiding/minimizing risks from poorly designed tasks and workstations by considering:

> Task (including repetitive, strenuous)

> Environment (including lighting, glare)

> Equipment (including user requirements, adjustability, matching the workplace to individual needs of workers).

6.2 Manual handling                                                                                                  

  • Common types of manual handling injury
  • Good handling technique for manually lifting loads
  • Avoiding/minimizing manual handling risks by considering the task, the individual, the load and the working environment.


6.3 Load-handling equipment                                                                                 

  • Hazards and controls for common types of load-handling aids and equipment: sack trucks and trolleys; pallet

trucks; people-handling aids; fork-lift trucks; lifts; hoists for loads and people; conveyors and cranes

  • Requirements for lifting operations:

> strong, stable and suitable equipment

> positioned and installed correctly

> visibly marked with safe working load

> lifting operations are planned, supervised and carried out in safe manner by competent persons

> special requirements for lifting equipment used for lifting people

  • Periodic inspection and examination/testing of lifting equipment.

6.1 Work-related upper limb disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders at work


Companies must protect employees from the danger of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) being induced or exacerbated by their jobs. MSDs consist of back, joint, and limb injuries and disorders. You can take measures to prevent or reduce the likelihood of your employees (and anyone who may be affected by their employment) getting MSDs. cannot prevent all MSDs; thus, early reporting of symptoms, proper treatment, and appropriate rehabilitation are crucial.

The regions of the body most susceptible to MSDs are:

  • the lower back
  • shoulders, forearms, wrists and hands, as well as the neck
  • the hips, legs, knees, ankles and feet

Workers can have different kinds of MSDs at the same time.


Causes of musculoskeletal disorders

There are risk factors for MSDs in a variety of occupations, therefore you should consider the following risks based on the sort of work you perform:

  • bending, crouching or stooping
  • lifting heavy or bulky loads
  • pushing, pulling or dragging heavy loads
  • stretching, twisting and reaching
  • repetitive work, particularly using the same hand or arm action
  • sustained or excessive force
  • carrying out a task for a long time
  • work with display screen equipment
  • working with hand-held power tools for a long time
  • driving heavy vehicles, long-distance driving or driving over rough ground


Or the risk factors can be to do with the work environment or organization:

  • poor working environment (including temperature and lighting)
  • poor work organization (including work pressure, job demands and lack of work breaks). Stress and other psychosocial factors can contribute to the risk of developing MSDs

Or they can be to do with the workers themselves:

  • a recent or existing injury or health condition may make them more vulnerable
  • individual differences (some workers are more affected by certain risks)
  • vulnerable groups, for example, young people, disabled workers, pregnant workers, those new to the job
  • working beyond their capability
  • working when physically tired


Work Related Upper limb disorders (WRULD)

Companies must safeguard employees against the danger of acquiring work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs). In addition to aches and pains in the shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, and fingers, upper limb problems also affect the neck. They can be caused or exacerbated by employment, such as in assembly lines, construction, meat or poultry processing, and computer work.


Your workers may have symptoms in their upper limbs such as:

  • aches and pains, tenderness, weakness, tingling, numbness, cramp, burning, redness and swelling
  • stiffness, pain or reduced movement in their joints

A number of disorders can affect upper limbs, such as:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
  • tendonitis or tenosynovitis
  • osteoarthritis
  • cramp of the hand or forearm from prolonged periods of repetitive movement
  • hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS)

Some of these are reportable.

Urge staff to report early indications and symptoms, before they grow more severe, so that you can limit the risk. Individuals with ULDs typically recover completely if the condition is identified and treated promptly.

Consider seeking advice from a provider of occupational health regarding a worker’s fitness for work and any limits or modifications that may be necessary.

Ergonomics and Workstations

Ergonomics is the study of how people, equipment, and their environment interact.

When designing a new workplace, selecting and installing new equipment, or evaluating tasks or procedures, ergonomics should be taken into account.

Inadequately built workstations and repetitive jobs may result in musculoskeletal problems characterized by aches, soreness, swelling, and subpar performance. People are more likely to suffer from work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) if they perform repetitive movements, maintain an uncomfortable posture, and lack proper rest breaks.

Display Screen Equipment and Workstations

Eyestrain, headaches, and diseases of the upper limbs have been linked to extended usage of display screens in the workplace.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Rules of 1992 mandate the performance of particular assessments. When an employee is classified as a ‘user’ (e.g., data inputter, word processor) and a major portion of their day involves repetitive computer use, a thorough evaluation of the workstation and activity must be conducted. Typically, this should be accomplished by the employee completing a self-assessment questionnaire alone or with the support of an occupational nurse. To enable staff to conduct an appropriate evaluation, adequate information and training must be provided.





  1. Seat back adjustability
  2. Good lumbar support
  3. Seat height adjustability
  4. No excess pressure on the underside of thighs and backs of knees
  5. Foot support if needed
  6. Space for postural change, no obstacles under the desk
  7. Forearms approximately horizontal
  8. Minimal extension, flexion, or deviation of wrists
  9. Screen height and angle should allow the comfortable head position
  10. Space in front of keyboard to support hands/wrists during pauses in keying

How to protect workers’ health

In law, employers must:

  • do a DSE workstation assessment
  • reduce risks, including making sure workers take breaks from DSE work or do something different
  • provide an eye test if a worker asks for one
  • provide training and information for workers

Improper usage of DSE or poorly constructed workstations or work spaces can cause neck, shoulder, back, arm, wrist, and hand pain in addition to weariness and eye strain. The causes may not always be readily apparent.

The law applies if users are, for example:

  • at a fixed workstation
  • mobile workers
  • home workers
  • hot-desking (workers should carry out a basic risk assessment if they change desks regularly)

For more details you can check the following link-

Designing a Workstation

When designing a workstation the activity and the posture required to carry out that activity should be considered. Ill health can arise from:

  • Poor work position and posture;
  • High levels of force (e.g. punching holes, undoing tight screws);
  • High levels of repetition (e.g. pipetting, typing, assembly work);
  • Awkward manual handling tasks;
  • Excess bending, stretching or effort.

To minimize the risk of ill health the following general principles should be applied:

  • Assess the task in order to reduce the amount of physical labor required (e.g., automate, employ properly built equipment);
  • Determine who will be using the workstation (e.g., able-bodied or impaired, extremely short or tall);
  • Whenever possible, maintain a neutral body position (e.g. no twisting of the neck or the back and no bent wrists). This reduces physical stress on the body, and if strength is required, muscles can exert more force in a neutral state.
  • Avoid bending the head and neck forward to look at work since this demands the neck to support the head.
  • Avoid bending the trunk forward, as this position requires the back and shoulder muscles to support the upper body.
  • avert raising your arms and hands;
  • avoid twisting of the body;
  • permit alterations in posture and movement. Holding the human body in one position for an extended amount of time is unnatural.

When designing a workstation, an early choice must be made as to whether the operator should be sitting, standing, or given the option to do both. The design of workstations can accommodate both standing and sitting. This will enable the user to shift position and posture more frequently, which is beneficial for preventing discomfort and chronic issues.


The essential height of the work surface depends on the task being performed. If the work surface is too low, the user will have to bend over to work, and if the work surface is too high, the user will have to elevate their arms, putting unnecessary stress on their shoulders.

Although it is not possible to customize the height of a workstation for every member of the population, it is conceivable to accommodate 90% of the population. The ideal height range for work surfaces is between 95 and 110 centimeters from the floor. Yet, the height of the workbench will also be determined by the task at hand. For precise activities, the work surface should be positioned 5 to 10 centimeters below elbow height. For tasks classed as light, such as those involving minimal force, the work surface should be positioned 10 to 15 centimeters below elbow height. For tasks considered as heavier work and requiring greater effort, the working surface should be 15 to 40 centimeters (cm) below elbow height.


Advantages of seated work

  • takes the weight of the legs;
  • can avoid unnatural body postures;
  • reduces energy consumption;
  • puts fewer demands on the cardiovascular system.

Disadvantages of seated work

  • restricts mobility;
  • cannot use large hand forces;
  • causes slackening of the stomach muscles;
  • causes curvature of the spine.


Basic Requirements for Seating

  • Support the worker in a position in which he or she can work comfortably and efficiently;
  • allow the worker to change position easily and without losing support;
  • prevent the seat pan from compressing the buttocks or the thighs;
  • cater for special needs, e.g., short, tall, disabled, well built;
  • The seat should suit the workstation including the height of the work surface, layout of the furniture and other equipment;
  • should have a back rest.

Seat pan

Should be height-adjustable between 38 and 53 centimeters from the floor to permit the user to sit with their legs at a 90-degree angle and their feet flat on the floor. If the user is extremely short and unable to comfortably rest their feet on the floor, an adjustable footrest will be required. Users should be able to adjust the seat pan upwards if the height of the work surface is greater than normal. A footrest may be required once more.

The surface of the seat should be cushioned, particularly in the front, to prevent it from rubbing against the back of the knee.

Seat Width

Should be a minimum of 40cm.

Seat Depth

Should be constructed so that everyone may use the backrest. From the front border of the backrest to the front of the seat pan, the maximum length of the seat depth is 43cm. If the seat height is appropriate, all users should be able to sit in comfort.


The padding should compress by 1 to 2 centimeters when hand-compressed. If the cushioning is overly soft, the buttocks and the backs of the thighs will not receive any support. If the mattress is too firm, it may compress the buttocks. Seat contouring may help to decrease compression. The sort of material used to cover the seat will depend on its intended application. For example, in a laboratory where liquids that could contaminate the seat are employed, an impermeable material should be specified.



Seat Angles

The seat pan angle may be forward tilting, back tilting, or flat. A forward-tilting chair may be useful in situations when the worker must reach forward or performs precise tasks. Nonetheless, if the incorrect upholstery materials are utilized, forward tilting will result in slipping. Users seated in a forward tilting position will rely on their legs for support; consequently, it is vital that their feet reach the floor or that they have a suitable footrest. Seats with a backward tilt press the user against the backrest to prevent slipping out of the chair. Users of flat seat pans must be urged to use the backrest properly.


In general, there are two sorts of backrests. Low chairs support only the lumbar region, while high chairs support the head and neck. On high backrests, the rest should extend to the shoulder height of the tallest individual. Unless a backrest with a high height is employed, the backrest should be adjustable. 17 to 30 centimeters is the recommended height from the seat pan to the middle of the backrest. The backrest should support the lumbar curve and conform to the shape of the spine (lowerback). The lumbar support should protrude 4cm from the backrest to mimic the curvature of a person in a standing position. The backrest angle serves two purposes. It stops the occupant from sliding forward and facilitates lumbar support leaning against the backrest. When required, the backrest angle should be between 101° and 104° for reaching, and between 105° and 108° for relaxation, as measured along the seat pan.

Interaction of the Seat with the Workstation

It is essential that a chair’s interaction with the workstation it is paired with be optimal. Workstation height is important, but with a height-adjustable chair, the primary concern is that both the tallest and shortest users can fit at the desk. If the chair has arms, they must not interfere with the user’s ability to work comfortably at the desk. For instance, arms may prevent a chair from being pulled close enough to a desk. A chair with height-adjustable arms may be necessary.


The proportions of tables and desks should allow the user to sit comfortably and provide sufficient room for storing and using any necessary equipment. If the table is too small, it can be challenging to work in a safe position. Before selecting a new design, the tasks to be performed and the necessary equipment should be discussed, preferably with the intended user, to ensure that there is sufficient space for everything. The underside of a table or desk should be at least 66 centimeters from the floor.



The design of workstations should prevent excessive reaching. Any equipment commonly utilized by the employee should be within a 50-centimeter radius. As a practical guide, the person can extend their arms in front of them and draw imaginary arcs at their workplace. The majority of commonly used objects should be stored there. During work tasks, the most crucial pieces of equipment should be located closest to the user.


Lighting has four main purposes:

  • To ensure the safety of people;
  • To facilitate the completion of duties;
  • To create an appropriate visual atmosphere;
  • To avoid eye-strain.

Lighting at Work, HS(G)38) stipulates that there should be sufficient light in the workplace to enable the completion of specific work tasks, and there are suggested illumination levels for each task. Natural light should be utilized wherever possible. However, there is minimal control over daylight, and it is recommended that window curtains be used to avoid glare and reflection issues caused by the sun. With both natural and artificial lighting, it is essential to avoid glare. This can be accomplished by strategically placing workstations and lighting in respect to one another. Reflection from work surfaces can also make it difficult to see work duties; this issue can be mitigated by utilizing furniture and equipment with low reflectivity surfaces. In some instances, task or local lighting may be necessary to provide adequate illumination. Care must be made to ensure that localized illumination does not cause glare issues for neighboring employees.


There should be sufficient space for safe and simple access to the workstation and to prevent interference between workstations. In offices, the minimum space per person should be 11 square meters, excluding any area more than three meters above the floor.

Temperature and ventilation

Temperature and ventilation should be enough for a comfortable indoor work environment. Following the first hour of work, the minimum temperature for sedentary work should be 16°C, and there should be appropriate ventilation.


The decibel level should be kept as low as possible, particularly for sounds that are irritating. A noise survey should be performed whenever the noise level surpasses 85 decibels.


The flooring should be appropriate for the work being performed. It must be nonslip, simple to clean, and resistant to harm.



6.2 Manual handling

The common injuries caused by improper manual handling techniques or procedures are all musculoskeletal and include the following:

Muscular sprains and strains – are created when the muscle (or tendon or ligament) is overstretched, resulting in bruising, weakened tissue, and painful inflammation of the affected area. These injuries typically affect the back of the arms and the wrists;

Back injuries Injuries to the discs placed between the spinal vertebrae (i.e., bones) can result in excruciating prolapsed disc lesions (commonly known as the slipped disc). Several kinds of injuries can lead to lumbago and sciatica (pain that travels down the leg);

Trapped Nerve – It typically occurs in the back as a result of another injury, but is exacerbated by manual labor.

Hernia is a rupture of the abdominal cavity wall, resulting in the protrusion of a portion of the intestine. Eventually, surgery will be required to restore the damage;

Cuts, Bruising, and Abrasions – It is the result of handling loads with unprotected sharp corners or edges;

Fractures – Typically of the feet when a burden is dropped. Fractures of the hands also occur, albeit less frequently;

The Work-Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULDs) – Including a broad spectrum of musculoskeletal illnesses;

Rheumatism is a chronic illness characterized by significant joint discomfort. It is considered that one of the causes is the muscle strains induced by improper physical handling, lifting technique, or procedure.

Good handling technique

As an employer, you must protect your employees from manual handling-related accidents. Proper handling technique is not a substitute for other actions you should take to decrease risk, such as providing lifting assistance or modifying the task, weight, or working environment, but it is a useful addition.

How to handle and lift loads

The following instructions explain how to properly conduct a basic lift with both hands, lifting a load in front of and close to the body without turning. These ideas are adaptable to the work at hand.

Think before handling/lifting. Plan the lifting/handling operation. Where will the burden be positioned? Use appropriate handling aids whenever possible. Do you require assistance with the load? Eliminate impediments, such as abandoned wrapping materials. For extended lifts, such as from the floor to shoulder height, consider resting the load on a table or bench to alter your grip.




Keep the load close to your waist for as long as possible while lifting. Keep the heaviest side of the load next to your body. If you can’t get close to the load, try to slide it toward your body before you try to lift it.




Adopt a stable position. To maximize stability, your feet should be separated, with one leg in front of the other (alongside the weight if it is on the ground). You must be willing to shift your feet during the lift to maintain a solid stance. Clothing that is too tight or inappropriate footwear may make this harder.




Ensure a good hold on the load. Wherever feasible, keep the burden as near to your body as possible. This may be preferable to clutching it securely with your hands alone.

Slight bending of your back, hips and knees During the beginning of the lift is preferred to fully flexing the back (stooping) or the hips and knees (deep/full squatting).

Don’t flex your back any further while lifting. This can happen if your legs begin to straighten before you start to raise the load.





Avoid twisting your back or leaning sideways especially while your back is bent. Keep your shoulders level and facing in the same direction as your hips. Turning by moving your feet is better than twisting and lifting at the same time.




Keep your head up when handling. Look ahead not down at the load once it is held securely.



Move smoothly. Do not jerk or grab the load, as this makes it more difficult to maintain control and increases the danger of harm.

Don’t lift or handle more than you can easily manage. There is a distinction between what people can lift and what they can lift safely. If in doubt, seek advice or get aid.

Put down, then adjust. If you need to precisely position the load, put it down first, then slide it into the desired position.




Avoiding/minimizing manual handling risks

What does the law say?

The Manual Handling Regulations list the steps you must take in a clear order to prevent and deal with the risks of dangerous manual handling:

■ avoid hazardous manual handling operations, ‘so far as reasonably practicable’;

■ assess the risk of injury to workers from any hazardous manual handling that can’t be avoided;

■ reduce the risk of injury to workers from hazardous manual handling to as low as reasonably practicable.




Assessing the risks

Consider risks arising from:

■ The task;

■ the load;

■ The working environment;

■ Individual capacity;

■ Any materials handling equipment or handling aids used;

■ How you organize and allocate work;

■ The pace, frequency and duration of the work.

Risks and controls


The tasks

Do they involve?

■ Holding loads away from the body?

■ twisting, stooping or reaching upwards?

■ Large vertical movement?

■ Long carrying distances?

■ Strenuous pushing or pulling?

■ Repetitive handling?

■ Risk of sudden movement of loads?

■ Insufficient rest or recovery time?

■ A work rate imposed by a process?

The loads

Are they:

■ Heavy or bulky?

■ Difficult to grasp?

■ Unstable or likely to move unpredictably?

■ Harmful, e.g. sharp or hot?

■ awkwardly stacked?

■ Too large for the handler to see over?

The working environment

Are there:

■ Restrictions on posture?

■ Bumpy, obstructed or slippery floors?

■ Variations in floor levels?

■ hot/cold/humid conditions?

■ gusts of wind or other strong air movements?

■ Poor lighting conditions?

■ Restrictions on movements from clothes or personal protective equipment (PPE)?

Individual capacity

Does the job:

■ require unusual capability, eg above average strength or agility?

■ pose a risk to those with a health problem or learning/physical disability?

■ pose a risk to new or expectant mothers?

■ pose a risk to new or young workers?

■ Call for special information or training?

Handling aids and equipment


■ is the device the correct type for the job?

■ is it well maintained?

■ are the wheels on the device suited to the floor surface?

■ Do the wheels run freely?

■ is the handle height between the waist and shoulders?

■ are the handle grips in good condition and comfortable?

■ are there any brakes? If so, do they work?

Work organization factors


■ is the work repetitive?

■ is the work machine or system-paced?

■ Do workers feel the demands of the work are excessive?

■ Do workers have little control of the work and working methods?

■ is there poor communication between managers and workers?


The tasks

Can you:

■ use a lifting aid?

■ change workplace layout to improve efficiency?

■ reduce the amount of twisting and stooping?

■ avoid lifting from floor level or above shoulder height, especially heavy loads?

■ reduce carrying distances?

■ use powered handling devices to eliminate pushing and pulling?

■ avoid repetitive handling?

■ take steps to reduce fatigue?

■ vary the work, allowing one set of muscles to rest while another is used?

The loads

Can you make the load:

■ Lighter or less bulky?

■ Easier to grasp?

■ More stable?

■ Less harmful?

■ evenly stacked?

If the load comes in from elsewhere, have you asked the supplier to help, eg by providing handles or smaller packages?

The working environment

Can you:

■ remove obstructions to free movement?

■ provide better flooring and/or slip resistant footwear?

■ avoid steps and steep ramps?

■ prevent extremes of hot and cold?

■ improve ventilation?

■ improve lighting?

■ provide suitable protective clothing or PPE that is less restrictive?

Individual capacity

Can you:

■ consider the design of the task?

■ pay particular attention to those who have a physical weakness?

■ take extra care of, e.g. new or expectant mothers and new/young workers?

■ give your workers more information, e.g. about the range of tasks?

■ provide more training?

■ get advice from an occupational health advisor if you need to?

Handling aids and equipment

Can you:

■ provide equipment that is more suitable for the task?

■ carry out planned preventive maintenance to prevent problems?

■ change the wheels, tyres and/or flooring so that equipment moves easily?

■ provide better handles and handle grips?

■ make the brakes easier to use, reliable and effective?

Work organization factors

Can you:

■ change tasks to increase variety?

■ adjust the work rate?

■ make more use of workers’ skills?

■ make workloads and deadlines more achievable?

■ involve workers in decisions?

■ encourage good communication and teamwork?

■ provide better training and information?







6.3 Load-handling equipment

Manually operated load handling equipment

Types of manually operated load handling equipment are-

  • simple tools;
  • wheelbarrows;
  • trucks and trolleys;
  • roller tracks and chutes;
  • pallet trucks;
  • conveyors; and
  • Various types of hoists that can be used to lift people as well as other loads.

The aids range from modest, manually-operated instruments to trucks and lifting devices with power assistance. All of them “lighten the burden” and lessen injury risk. Several basic instruments can facilitate the manual handling of loads. Hooks for lifting can be used to hoist steel or glass sheets, wooden boards, and heavy, awkward objects. Log tongs will aid in the lifting of logs, whereas cylindrical weights can be lifted with other equipment. These instruments aid in load retention and reduce the requirement for bending. Trucks and trolleys enable a single individual to transfer items between sites. They can be affordable and come in a variety of sizes to accommodate the weight and nature of the workplace. Similar to wheelbarrows, sack trucks move loads by balancing them on the truck axle. Certain trucks are equipped with lifting devices that allow for the raising and lowering of goods, while others feature specialized wheels for ascending and descending stairs.

General-purpose trucks can support heavier loads than sack trucks can. They can be topped with a flat surface or fitted with a variety of sides and wheels to suit a range of purposes. To improve maneuverability, the wheels can be mounted with swivels. Certain platform trucks have detachable towing components. This reduces congestion and obstructions in crowded manufacturing locations. The platform’s ability to be raised or lowered minimizes manual handling even more by eliminating the necessity for bending when loading and unloading. Trucks might have large wheels for use on unpaved surfaces. When equipped with detachable sides, they can transport bulky items such as sand and stones. Balancing trucks are equipped with a central axle and swivel wheels at each end, allowing them to rotate around their centers. This makes them very agile, allowing them to operate in confined locations. There is no discernible difference between general-purpose trucks and trolleys. Trolleys are often constructed of lightweight materials and suited for more specialized tasks. Container trolleys permit the transport of mixed loads. A grocery cart is a simple example of this. Shelves can be fixed or removable on shelf carts. Drum transporters are handy for moving drums. Trucks and trolleys can be equipped with brakes to keep them stationary, which may be important on sloped terrain. Garment rails are utilized in clothing manufacturers, stores, and theaters. Roller tracks and chutes enable the manual or gravity-assisted movement of big and bulky loads.

They can be movable or permanently installed. The quantity of manual handling duties can be reduced by carefully designing work areas with suitable rails and chutes. The potential for producing a tripping hazard must be kept as minimal as possible when employing tracks. Utilizing mild gradients can allow the load to be moved with minimal effort. When there are large variations in level, such as between floors, chutes are typically utilized in place of tracks. Spiral chutes are primarily employed to transport sacks, but a straight chute can transport nearly any type of load.

Pedestrians maneuver Pallet Trucks. Transferring the burden requires manual labor, however hydraulic power is typically employed to lift and decrease the load. They are designed to transport many types of cargo and may operate in fairly crowded and limited spaces. Portable conveyors are utilized to carry cargo between locations of the same or varying heights. Various varieties may transfer a variety of loads, such as sand and grain. Using portable conveyors can drastically minimize (and frequently eliminate) manual handling. Important is the height of the conveyor at loading and unloading places. The following heights are recommended to reduce manual handling efforts:

  • approximately 0.9 m above the floor while lifting light loads that can typically be raised with one hand;
  • approximately 0.75 meters above the floor when heavier weights that are typically hoisted with two hands are loaded; and
  • Near the floor when heavy loads, such as drums, are loaded onto conveyors by rolling, lifting devices, or lift trucks.



Conveyors that are temporary or semipermanent might be utilized in many work environments. Some conveyors are equipped with wheels for enhanced movement. They can be used to transport loads on the same or separate levels. Certain versions can be tilted using hydraulic rams to adapt the transfer height to a specific elevation. A modest inclination on non-powered roller conveyors permits items to move under the force of gravity.

Mechanical assistance entails the use of mechanical aids to assist with manual handling, such as wheelbarrows, hand-powered hydraulic hoists, specially adapted trolleys, hoists for lifting patients, roller conveyors, and robot-based automated systems.

Hazards associated with manually operated load handling equipment

The primary dangers associated with the usage of load handling equipment stem from its improper application, such as overloading or attempting to transport unstable loads. The act of pushing or dragging a vehicle or trolley still constitutes manual handling and might pose a variety of risks. For example, it may be required to separate pedestrians from cars. Inadequate maintenance can also result in extra dangers. This is especially crucial for some lifting machinery and equipment where a regular examination by a qualified individual may be required by law.

Precautions with the use of manually operated load handling equipment

If possible, the subsequent user should be considered while selecting handling assistance. Moving and handling duties are often made easier by clever design. In the health and social care industry, for instance, staff are frequently expected to provide bedside care to service recipients, and the use of adjustable-height beds can reduce the risk of back injuries. Placing laundry equipment, such as washing machines and dryers, on a platform can also help to prevent bending and stooping. Other strategies to limit the amount of patient handling by caregivers include:

  • raising the height of beds and chairs using wooden blocks;
  • handrails at strategic heights adjacent to the bath and toilet;
  • the use of bath hoists and overhead hoists;
  • walk-in showers with seats; and
  • cutting slots in bath panels to allow for mobile hoist
  • Wheels to fit underneath a bath fixed against a wall.

The operators of mechanical handling equipment must get sufficient training and be monitored while operating the equipment. These measures are especially critical when utilizing a manual hoist to lift or assist somebody. Additional precautions consist of:

  • a safe system of work in place;
  • sufficient room available to easily maneuver the equipment;
  • adequate visibility and lighting available;
  • the floors in a stable condition;
  • regular safety checks to identify any faults with the equipment; and
  • a regular maintenance schedule for the equipment.

Other important considerations are that:

  • the proposed use will be within the safe working load of the equipment;
  • It is suitable for the area in which it will operate (e.g. is there enough room to maneuver and enough headroom?);
  • it suits the terrain in terms of stability and ground surface;
  • the lifting equipment is CE-marked; and
  • Advice is sought from the suppliers/hirers on its suitability for the proposed task and any maintenance requirements.

Beneficial precautions include requesting the equipment on a trial basis, if possible, to ensure that it is suitable for the desired task and involving the employees who will be expected to use it in this evaluation. Other dangers linked with the deployment of the lifting aid should also be considered, such as site safety and the lack of communication with forklift truck drivers.

Types of mechanical handling and lifting equipment

Each of the four parts of mechanical handling can bring potential dangers. They include the handling equipment, the load, the work environment, and the workers engaged. The mechanical handling equipment must have the capacity to raise and/or transport the load. It must be flawless, well-maintained, and routinely examined.

The dangers associated with such equipment include collisions between people and the equipment and injuries caused by being entangled in moving pieces (such as belt and screw conveyors).

The load should be readied for transport in a manner that reduces the likelihood of accidents. The dangers will be associated with the nature of the load (e.g., combustible or toxic substances) or the stability and security of the load (e.g. collapse of bales or incorrectly stacked pallets).

The workplace should be constructed to separate workers from the load whenever possible. If, for example, an overhead crane is to be utilized, then humans must be separated from the load’s path or prevented from entering it. The staff and anyone else who will use the equipment must be adequately trained and skilled in its safe operation.

Conveyors and elevators

  • Elevators take loads from one level or floor to another, whereas conveyors move things along a level that may not be perfectly horizontal. Belt, roller, and screw conveyors are three main types of conveyors. The most prevalent dangers and precautionary actions are: the in-running nip, where a hand is trapped between the rotating rollers and the belt. Protection from this hazard can be provided by nip guards and trip devices;
  • entanglement with the power drive requiring the fitting of fixed guards and the restriction of loose clothing which could become caught in the drive;
  • loads falling from the conveyor. This can be avoided by edge guards and barriers;
  • impact against overhead systems. Protection against this hazard may be given by the use of bump caps, warning signs and restricted access;
  • contact hazards prevented by the removal of sharp edges, conveyor edge protection and restricted access;
  • manual handling hazards;
  • noise and vibration hazards.

Screw conveyors, which are frequently used to transport highly viscous materials, must be equipped with either fixed guards or coverings to prevent unauthorized access. Humans should not be allowed to ride on belt conveyors, and emergency trip wires or stop buttons must be installed and always functional. Elevators are used to carry things between floors, such as transporting building blocks to upper floors during construction or grain sacks into a barn loft.

It is necessary to install guards at both ends of the elevator and around the power drive. The most prevalent hazard is injuries caused by falling cargo from elevators. There are also potential manual handling issues at both the elevator’s feed and discharge ends.



Roller Conveyor


Forklift Trucks

There are many hazards associated with the use of fork-lift trucks.

These include:

  • overturning – high-speed maneuvering; wheels striking an object such as a curb; rapid braking; bad tyre condition leading to skidding; driving forwards down a ramp; movement of the cargo; insecure, excessive, or unequal loading; inappropriate tilt or driving along a ramp; overloading – exceeding the rated capacity of the machine;
  • collisions, particularly with warehouse racking, which can cause the entire racking structure to collapse;
  • the electrically powered forklift’s stealthy operation can render passersby unaware of its existence;
  • uneven road surface – can induce car rollover and/or musculoskeletal issues in the driver;
  • overhead obstructions – a particular problem for inexperienced drivers;
  • loss of load – shrink wrapping or sheeting will reduce this hazard;
  • inadequate maintenance leading to mechanical failure;
  • use as a work platform;
  • speeding – strict enforcement of speed limits is essential;
  • poor vision around the load;
  • pedestrians – particularly when pedestrians and vehicles use the same roadways. Warning signs,indicating the presence of fork-lift trucks, should be posted at regular intervals;
  • dangerous stacking or de-stacking technique –this can destabilize a complete racking column;
  • carrying passengers – this should be a disciplinary offence;
  • battery charging – presents an explosion and fire risk;
  • fire – typically the result of improper maintenance leading in fuel leaks or engine/motor failure, or the use of an inadequate forklift in places where flammable substances or gases are utilized or stored;
  • lack of driver training.

If fork-lift trucks are to be used outside, visibility and lighting, weather conditions and the movement of other vehicles become additional hazards.

There are also the following physical hazards:

  • noise – caused by poor silencing of the power unit;
  • exhaust fumes – should only be a problem when the maintenance regime is poor;
  • vibrations – often caused by a rough road surface or wide expansion joints. Badly inflated tyres will exacerbate this problem;
  • manual handling – resulting from manoeuvring the load by hand or lifting batteries or gas cylinders;
  • ergonomic – musculoskeletal injuries caused by soft tyres and/or undulating road surface or holes or cracks in the road surface (e.g. expansion joints).

Regular and documented maintenance by competent mechanics is essential. However, the driver should undertake the following checks at the beginning of each shift:

  • condition of tyres and correct tyre pressures;
  • effectiveness of all brakes;
  • audible reversing horn and light working properly;
  • lights, if fitted, working correctly;
  • mirrors, if fitted, in good working order and properly set;
  • secure and properly adjusted seat;
  • correct fluid levels, when appropriate;
  • fully charged batteries, when appropriate;
  • correct working of all lifting and tilting systems.

Each week, a competent member of the organization should do a more thorough check that includes the mast and steering gear. Driver training is required and must be provided by a qualified instructor. The training session must include the site’s rules, including the organization’s forklift truck driver code of conduct, speed limitations, stacking processes, and reversing rules. Regular refresher training should be provided, and a complete record of all training received should be maintained.

Final consideration must be given to the selection of drivers, which must include relevant health tests and prior experience. Drivers must be at least 18 years old, and their fitness to operate a motor vehicle must be evaluated periodically (every five years after the age of 40 and every year after the age of 65 (HSG6)).


Cranes may be either jib cranes or overhead traveling gantry cranes. Same safety regulations apply to each type. All cranes require proper design, construction, installation, and maintenance. Additionally, they must be operated according to a safe method of work. They should only be operated by authorized, fit, and trained drivers. The manufacturer of each crane issues a certificate specifying the safe working load (SWL). The SWL cannot be exceeded and must be clearly marked on the crane’s structure. If the SWL is variable, as in the case of a jib crane (the SWL reduces as the working radius grows), a SWL indicator must be installed. Caution should be taken to avoid unexpected shock loading, as this will subject the crane’s structure to extremely high strains. It is also crucial that the load is distributed evenly.


Properly chained, with all eyebolts tightened to specifications. Include safe slinging techniques in all training programs. All controls must be properly labeled and of the hold-to-run variety.

Giant cranes with a cab for the operator frequently work in tandem with a banksman who directs the lifting process from the ground. It is essential that banks receive proper training so they can recognize crane signals. The hoisting operation must be adequately planned and prepared. This requires the selection of a suitable crane with current test certifications and inspected examination reports. A risk evaluation of the task will be required to determine the load’s weight, dimensions, and final resting position. A detailed strategy for finishing the lift should be developed, and a qualified individual should be chosen to oversee its operation.

The basic principles for the safe operation of cranes are as follows. For all cranes, the driver must:

  • undertake a brief inspection of the crane and associated lifting tackle each time before it is used;
  • check that all lifting accessory statutory inspections are in place and up-to-date;
  • check that tyre pressures, where appropriate, are correct;
  • ensure that loads are not left suspended when the crane is not in use;
  • before a lift is made, ensure that nobody can be struck by the crane or the load;
  • ensure that loads are never carried over people;
  • ensure good visibility and communications;
  • lift loads vertically – cranes must not be used to drag a load;
  • travel with the load as close to the ground as possible;
  • switch off power to the crane when it is left unattended.

For mobile jib cranes, the following points should be considered:

  • Each lift must be properly planned, with the maximum load and radius of operation known.
  • Overhead obstructions or dangers must be detected; it may be essential to protect the crane from power lines by marking the safe headroom with goalposts and bunting.
  • The load-bearing capacity of the ground upon which the crane will stand must be determined.
  • If fitted, outriggers should be used.

The principal reasons for crane failure, including loss of load, are:

  • overloading;
  • poor slinging of load;
  • insecure or unbalanced load;
  • overturning;
  • collision with another structure or overhead power lines;
  • foundation failure;
  • structural failure of the crane;
  • operator error;
  • lack of maintenance and/or regular inspections;
  • no signaller is used when the driver’s view is obscured;
  • incorrect signals are given.

Typical causes of recent serious incidents with tower cranes include:

  • mechanical failure of the brake or lifting ram;
  • overturn of the crane;
  • jib collapse;
  • a load or dropped load striking a worker;
  • sling failure.

The reasons for some of these incidents are:

  • poor site induction training – not dealing with site-specific risks and lasting too long (20–30 minutes maximum is sufficient time);
  • problems with crane maintenance and thorough examinations;
  • operators working long hours without a break;
  • poor operator cabin design and too high a climbing distance;
  • operator health problems;
  • problems in communicating health and safety issues by crane operators on site.

During lifting operations using cranes, it must be ensured that:

  • the driver has good visibility;
  • there are no pedestrians below the load by using barriers, if necessary;
  • an audible warning is given prior to the lifting operation.

The key aspects that apply to all cranes are:

  1. Planning of safe lifting operations by a competent individual based on a thorough risk assessment;
  2. Safe work procedures for installation, operation, and dismantling. The primary components of the safe system or method statement are as follows:
  • planning – involving site preparation, crane installation, and removal;
  • Selection, procurement, and usage of an appropriate crane and work equipment, including safe slinging and signaling procedures;
  • Maintenance and examination of the crane and equipment;
  • Provision of properly trained and competent personnel;
  • Supervision of operations by individuals with the required authorities;
  • Thorough examinations, reports, and other documents;
  • preventing unapproved use or movement of the crane; and
  • Ways to ensure the safety of individuals who are not lifting.
  1. Monitoring of all lifting activities; and
  2. The thorough examination of the crane and, when required, the notification of the HSE.




Introduction to Health and Safety at Work , written by Phil Hughes and Ed Ferret, fifth edition

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